CBD For Focus and Concentration

CBD For Focus and Concentration

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It’s easy to understand the rise of CBD (cannabidiol) in the wellness industry given its potential to mitigate stress, alleviate aches and pains, and contribute to better sleep. It’s also not surprising that in today’s distraction-filled world, there is growing interest in CBD for focus and concentration.

With all the demands on our attention that we face daily, can cannabidiol products play a role in promoting mental clarity and support sharper focus? In this article, we’ll explore the science behind CBD's interaction with the body's internal systems and its potential impact on focus.

How Does CBD Work?

Before we dive into CBD and whether it can help improve focus and concentration, it’s important to understand how it functions within our bodies. 

CBD is one of at least 100 cannabinoids — compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. 

Specifically, CBD exerts its effects primarily through the endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network that plays a pivotal role in maintaining homeostasis (state of balance) in the body.

Cannabinoids are the messengers, if you will, of this system. They are a diverse class of compounds that interact with the ECS. Not only are they found in the cannabis plant (where they are technically known as “phytocannabinoids,” from “phyto-” meaning plant), but our bodies also produce them naturally — these are known as endocannabinoids (from “endo” meaning “within”). Hence, the name of the system.

CBD and the ECS

The ECS is a master regulator within our bodies, orchestrating a delicate balance across various physiological processes.1 This system comprises:

  • Receptors scattered throughout the body — think of them as docking stations

  • Endocannabinoid molecules that bind to these receptors like keys to locks

  • Enzymes that build and break down the endocannabinoids

Think of the ECS as an orchestra conductor, ensuring every section is in tune and every note lands at the right moment. It impacts everything from sleep cycles and mood regulation to inflammation responses and cognitive function.

Unlike other cannabinoids, CBD doesn't dock directly onto this system's receptors. It takes a more subtle approach by inhibiting the breakdown of our endocannabinoids, which allows these natural molecules more time to act and exert their beneficial effects.

This indirect influence makes CBD unique, and it’s believed to be the reason behind its ability to support so many physiological functions. In this way, incorporating CBD may contribute to a more balanced mental and physical state in your body. It make sense then why more and more people are looking to CBD to support their focus.


Unlike its cousin THC, CBD doesn't induce euphoria or a "high." Instead, it influences the body's internal processes, contributing to homeostasis (state of balance) and well-being.

THC likes to take center stage, binding directly to receptors in the body, which can lead to the mind-altering euphoria commonly associated with marijuana use. CBD, as mentioned above, plays a more nuanced role. This subtle modulation is why CBD is associated with the potential benefits of easing stress and discomfort without the psychoactive effects that THC brings to the table.

The Importance of Focus

In today's fast-paced digital world, maintaining focus has become increasingly challenging. As the famous 2015 study by Microsoft points out, the average human attention span has notably decreased, making our attention span shorter than eight seconds — shorter than that of a goldfish. The findings emphasize the impact of digital technology on our ability to concentrate.2 

Without the ability to focus, our efforts in any endeavor become scattered and thus unproductive. Whether you're an artist lost in the flow of creation, a coder immersed in lines of code, or a student poring over textbooks, focus and mental clarity are the tools that help you get more done efficiently and effectively.

Factors That Inhibit Focus

In trying to understand what can help improve concentration, it's just as critical to look at the enemies of focus:

  • Inadequate sleep

  • Chronic stress

  • A diet lacking in essential nutrients

  • Insufficient hydration

  • Multitasking

  • Environmental and technological distractions

  • Lack of interest or engagement in tasks

  • Certain medical conditions or medications

Addressing these factors can help improve focus. Not only that, it can also give you an energy boost and increased mental clarity.

CBD For Focus: Does It Work?

So, can CBD really help you buckle down on tasks when you need to? 

As we discussed earlier, by engaging with your body's endocannabinoid system, CBD oil has the potential to bring balance to various physiological processes. A calm mind and a body at ease are the foundation of strong focus and concentration. CBD is known for taking the edge off stress, relieving aches and pains such as from exercise-induced inflammation, and promoting a restful sleep. In this way, it has the potential to naturally improve focus. However, a direct impact of CBD on focus hasn’t been established.

It's also important to recognize that CBD's interaction with the body is complex. While it may contribute to a state of balance conducive to focus in some, the individual effects of CBD on one’s physical and mental health vary from one person to the next.

Furthermore, managing the focus killers in the section above can go a long way in improving concentration. If your focus keeps getting pulled easily in a thousand directions, it's essential to look at your diet, how much water you're drinking, how much quality sleep you're getting, and other lifestyle factors. 

A CBD regimen isn’t a replacement for poor nutrition, a distracting environment, or a job that fails to captivate your interest — although by boosting your health and well-being, CBD can help mitigate these factors, aiding in overall concentration and focus improvement

CBD for Focus and Concentration: What Does the Research Say?

As mentioned above, the research landscape is still taking shape when it comes to hard evidence on CBD's role in enhancing concentration and focus. 

No conclusions could be drawn other than the fact that CBD on an immediate basis, CBD causes “significant alterations in brain activity and connectivity patterns during resting state and performance of cognitive tasks in both healthy volunteers and patients with a psychiatric disorder,” according to a review article focusing on neuroimaging studies investigating the short-term impact of CBD on human brain function. What exactly these alterations are and whether or not they’re focus-related remains to be determined with more research.3

Does CBD Oil Promote Mental Clarity?

Does CBD Oil Promote Mental Clarity

For some people, mental clarity is another term for focus. For our purposes, when we say mental clarity, we’re talking about that crystal-clear perception that makes it easy to focus. Can CBD help with that too?

As with CBD for focus and concentration, a direct correlation between CBD products and mental clarity has yet to be established. However, we do know that by supporting your body's endocannabinoid system to promote balance, CBD supplementation can lead to greater well-being, which is conducive to improved mental clarity. 

Cannabidiol can also support a healthy sleep cycle, alleviate aches and pains, reduce stress, and boost mood. So If the culprit behind your brain fog is the occasional night spent counting sheep or the daily stress that creeps in despite your best efforts, CBD may bring some relief. Remember, though — everyone's chemistry is unique, so while CBD products might bring clarity for some, it may not do the same for others.

CBD Gummies for Energy and Focus

CBD Gummies for Energy and Focus

When it comes to CBD products, CBD gummies are one of the most popular ways to ingest CBD. For those who are interested in boosting their focus and concentration, there are a number of CBD energy gummies or CBD gummies for focus on the market. But while these products are marketed for these specific benefits, it’s important for consumers to understand what they can really expect from such products. 

CBD gummies are a convenient and discreet way to take CBD. Edible candies that contain cannabidiol oil, they offer a precisely measured serving of CBD in each piece. This makes dosing not only straightforward but also consistent, so that it’s easier to integrate CBD into your daily wellness routine.

Just like CBD oil tincture, (federally legal) CBD gummies are derived from the hemp plant and have all the same benefits, including stress reduction and support for a more restful sleep cycle — both critical factors in enhancing daily energy levels and focus. However, just as with other CBD products, the scientific community has yet to prove a direct correlation between CBD and energy or focus enhancement.

CBD Gummies for Focus: What to Watch Out For

When shopping for CBD gummies, it’s important to evaluate gummies that promise to boost energy and focus with a careful eye. Not only do such products make bold claims without scientific backing, which can call into question the brand’s reputability, but many such gummies incorporate added supplements like caffeine to enhance perceived benefits.

Keep in mind additives such as caffeine, B vitamins, l-theanine, turmeric, and other supplements could potentially reduce the effects of CBD, introduce side effects, or lead to interactions. In an industry awaiting stricter FDA regulation, prioritizing pure, high-quality CBD products is essential for both safety and effectiveness.

Getting the Most Out of CBD Products

Getting the Most Out of CBD Products

Adding CBD oil or CBD gummies into your health regimen requires more than just picking up the first product you see on the shelf. To truly benefit from CBD's potential benefits with respect to sleep, mood, and overall well-being, selecting a high-quality product is critical.

Here's what to keep an eye out for to ensure you're getting the best CBD gummies and other cannabidiol products available:

Choose Organic Hemp Sources

Opt for organic hemp-derived CBD products rather than products derived from marijuana, the other cannabis sativa variety. Containing just 0.3% THC — not enough to make you high — hemp is federally legal according to the 2018 Farm Bill.4 

Hemp is often referred to as a "bioaccumulator” for its ability to absorb heavy metals, pesticides, and other contaminants from the soil faster than it can expel them. For this reason, CBD derived from compromised hemp may contain these such contaminants. Therefore, it's crucial to opt for CBD supplements that are certified organic. Look for the USDA organic seal to get a safe, responsibly sourced product that meets strict organic farming standards set by the USDA. This way, you can ensure that you’re not introducing harmful substances into your body that could negatively impact your ability to focus and other cognitive functions.

Choose Full Spectrum CBD

There are three types of CBD oil. The kind you choose can make a significant impact on the benefits you experience from cannabidiol.

1. CBD Isolate

CBD isolate is a form of CBD that has been chemically isolated from all other substances and cannabinoids in the hemp plant. CBD isolate is the choice for those who want to incorporate CBD into their routine without the influence of other cannabinoids.

2. Broad Spectrum CBD

Broad Spectrum CBD contains a wide range of cannabinoids and terpenes found in the hemp plant, but THC is typically non-detectable. It's favored by individuals looking to experience the benefits of the entourage effect without THC.

3. Full Spectrum CBD

Full spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds present in hemp, including up to 0.3% THC, enhancing the natural benefits of the plant — a phenomenon known as the entourage effect. So if you’re looking to get the most out of your CBD regimen, opting for full spectrum CBD oil is your best bet.

Verify Third-Party Testing

Reputable CBD products often undergo rigorous third-party testing to ensure their purity and potency. Always check for a Certificate of Analysis (COA), which should detail the exact composition of the CBD product, giving you peace of mind that you're consuming what's on the label and nothing else that will impact your ability to focus.

Consider the Extraction Method

The way CBD is extracted from hemp plants can affect the quality and purity of the final product. Regarded as the safest and most efficient technique, sugarcane ethanol extraction is our exclusive method of choice at Cornbread Hemp. Like other solvent extraction processes, this method utilizes ethanol, but it’s derived from organic sugarcane in accordance with the USDA's rigorous organic criteria. By preserving the hemp flower flavor and CBD purity, this gentle approach ensures quality without compromise.

How Much CBD for Enhancing Focus?

As mentioned above, there's no direct, science-backed correlation between CBD and focus, but by promoting overall well-being, CBD can help improve sleep, mood, and other factors that influence concentration.

Determining the "right" CBD dosage is quite individualized since everyone reacts uniquely to cannabidiol. Various factors like body weight, metabolism, and genetics influence the optimal CBD dose. 

A common starting point for many is around 25 mg of CBD daily. You may need to increase or decrease the dose over time as your body adjusts, but wait at least two weeks after each adjustment before increasing the dosage to give the CBD a chance to take effect. If you're currently taking any medications, consult with a qualified healthcare professional before getting started.

CBD for Focus: The Takeaway

The research on CBD's direct impact on focus, energy, and clarity is still evolving. Until more studies on CBD for focus are published, for now we can say the well-documented effects of CBD on sleep quality, mood, and general well-being suggest that CBD can at least indirectly enhance one’s ability to concentrate. It's important to remember, however, that individual experiences with CBD can vary.

Organic Full Spectrum CBD Oil: The Cornbread Hemp Difference

Organic Full Spectrum CBD Oil: The Cornbread Hemp Difference

At Cornbread Hemp, we understand how important it is to find a wellness routine that works for you. And even more essential is knowing exactly what's in a wellness supplement you choose. That's why we're committed to crafting high-quality CBD products that are pure and safe and deliver the full benefits that nature intended. Our full spectrum CBD oil is meticulously made from Flower-Only™ extract, ensuring that you receive a premium USDA-certified organic product at every touchpoint.

All of our hemp-derived CBD products, from our focus gummies to oils and tinctures, are subject to stringent third-party lab testing. We're proud to make these certificates of analysis easily accessible, granting you the confidence to see precisely what goes into every bottle and batch. Visit our online store today for full-spectrum CBD products that can enhance your well-being.

About the Author
Jim Higdon, Co-Founder

Jim is a native of Lebanon, Kentucky. He holds degrees from Centre College, Brown University, and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Jim published Cornbread Mafia in 2012 before co-founding Cornbread Hemp. Full author bio here.


  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2018). Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoid System: Signaling and Function in the Central Nervous System. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5877694/
  2. McSpadden, K. (2015, May 14). You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish. Time. https://time.com/3858309/attention-spans-goldfish/ 
  3. Batalla, A., Bos, J., Postma, A., & Bossong, M. G. (2021). The Impact of Cannabidiol on Human Brain Function: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in pharmacology, 11, 618184. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2020.618184 
  4. United States Food and Drug Administration. (2019, July 25). Hemp Production and the 2018 Farm Bill. Congressional Testimony. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/congressional-testimony/hemp-production-and-2018-farm-bill-07252019